What people are saying about our Trauma-Informed Program…

  • S. Robertson said...

    “Trauma-Informed this was! The 3 day class with Adrianna was nothing short of amazing. I learned a lot, gain a new perspective, and learned a new language to support me not just professionally but personally as well. I feel well-equipped on this journey to create trauma-informed spaces for the women I work with. From the required reading to the breathwork, to the teachings, the discussions, it was an experience that I wasn't quite ready for to end. Such a great investment!

  • K. Brown said...

    “The SORH Trauma-Informed Teacher Training amplified my awareness of trauma and my experiences of it individually, personally, professionally, and ancestrally. The expertise, candor, and intention Adria leads and teaches with was respected and appreciated. Continuing on with independent study, practical application via SORH, and continued touchpoints with Adria is a valuable way to truly absorb and embody the training.“

  • C. Clarkson Said...

    “In her training, Adria cultivates a safe space to explore trauma-informed practices and weaves into it the intersecting and important threads of community, capitalism, self-care, white supremacy, and justice. Thank you Adria for supporting my personal growth so that I may hold space for others.”

  • C. Byrd said...

    This trauma-informed training has changed my life in ways that I didn’t imagine it would. Adria's knowledge and encouragement have brought me closer to understanding my purpose, and her guidance gave me the courage to dig deeper in order to heal. I am excited to take everything that I have learned from the training to help other people radically heal and learn how to extend more grace to themselves.”

  • M. Bessette said...

    “This training was wonderful and helped me reconnect with my knowledge of the nervous system in an embodied way. Even if you’re not planning on facilitating in a formal setting, taking this course will impact the way you move in the world, and as a result your community.”

  • K. Timmons said...

    This trauma-informed teacher training is an experience that has changed my life! After the collective rest on the final day of our weekend training, I cried tears of joy and gratitude. This work has informed me on so many areas where I can incorporate more understanding, humility, love, and intention in my life and in everything that I do. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity and to experience this training for what it is, at this exact moment in time in my life.”

  • E. Kim-Skenderian Said...

    “The weekend was both transformative and nourishing. Adria's warm presence and her embodied wisdom guided our cohort through topics that feel familiar to me as a somatic healing facilitator, and yet I had so many aha moments throughout the training, both from Adria's keen observations and fellow cohort mates who shared their unique perspectives. It felt like a safe container, where we could explore and deepen our capacity to facilitate trauma-informed spaces, all while being in community with each other.

  • S. Robles said...

    “This weekend was everything I needed it to be and more. I am truly grateful for the personal timing, as I am using the tools learned during the training the day I learned them. Learning about how the brain-body-mind connection, and about self/co-regulation has been a game-changer. Going through the training while in the midst of a flare-up gave me the support I needed to manage and navigate the traumas happening inside of my body and release them rather than building frustration, sadness, pain, or resentment and holding that inside of my body.”

  • P. Dayleg Said...

    “The School of Radical Healing’s Trauma-Informed TT was beyond valuable. It helped me understand, on a body level, what a truly safe space feels like, and how to create that space through my teacher’s energy. I love that you can apply these principles to your work in any industry and even your personal life. Since the training, I’ve been so much more attuned to my own needs and the needs of my clients, who are mostly women of color and children of immigrants and who've been through both personal and racial trauma. I can already feel that this was an up-leveling.